Whalen and Scordia Build Relationships on the Court

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Players, pictured from left, are Jeff Pumplun, Bruce Berry, Shawn Zeiter, Jeff Zaye, Drake Crabtree, Richard Crabtree, Paul Scordia, Josh Lephart, Trevan Moten, Brent Walden and Brandon Crumes.

Scordia Restaurant Group employees faced off against a team from the firm in the third annual Scordia-Whalen basketball tournament on May 7. Scordia’s team was the winner of the seven-game contest, although the Whalen team was much improved from last year. Whalen Team Captain Richard Crabtree and Scordia Owner Paul Scordia think the annual event is a great way to build relationships with members of the two organizations.

The Scordia Restaurant Group is a Burger King franchise with multiple restaurants located in Springfield, Troy, Sidney and Tipp City.

To see pictures of the teams and the players in action, click here.