Motivation: Dr. Bezbatchenko specialized in TMJD and dental sleep therapy to provide more comprehensive care to his patients.
Continuous Learning: He actively pursued additional education and certifications to stay up-to-date in his field.
Business and Practice Management
Referrals: Building relationships with other healthcare professionals was crucial for attracting new patients.
Billing Challenges: Dr. Bezbatchenko faced challenges related to medical and dental billing for specialized services.
Practice Growth: His practice experienced growth during the COVID-19 pandemic as more people sought treatment for stress-related conditions.
Patient Care
Holistic Approach: He emphasized the importance of addressing both TMJD and sleep disorders for optimal patient outcomes.
Patient Education: Dr. Bezbatchenko educated patients about the connection between these conditions and the importance of lifestyle factors.
Industry Trends
Evolving Landscape: Dr. Bezbatchenko highlighted the changing landscape of dentistry, including advancements in technology and the increasing demand for specialized care.
Advice for Young Dentists: He recommended a gradual approach to building a practice and emphasized the importance of gaining experience and developing strong clinical skills.
Overall, Dr. Bezbatchenko’s journey showcases the value of specialization, continuous learning, and adapting to the evolving needs of patients.
Is your company planning to hire a new CFO? A recent survey found that hiring managers look for more than financial acumen when vetting CFO candidates. In fact, only 38.5% of CFOs at Fortune 500 and S&P 500 companies were licensed CPAs in 2023, according to executive recruiting firm Crist Kolder. What other skills may be needed to fill these shoes?
Financial know-how opens doors.
The Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants recently surveyed over 320 hiring executives about what skills matter most for the CFO role. Not surprisingly, “2024 Corporate Finance Report: CPAs in the C-Suite” found that the top must-have for CFO candidates is the ability to manage the company’s finances effectively.
The top 10 financial skills identified in the survey include:
1.Capital management and strategy,
2.Financial forecasting,
3.Operations and financial reporting,
4.Critical thinking,
5.Financial reporting compliance,
6.Strategy creation,
7.Industry/product forecast and outlook,
8.Tax compliance,
9.Accounts receivable, and
10.Networking and industry relationships.
The survey draws two key findings. First, CPAs aspiring to become CFOs must expand their skill sets beyond traditional accounting to include strategic planning, risk management, and technology oversight. Second, today’s CFOs must “strategize for growth and stability, not just report past results.”
Nonfinancial skills seal the deal.
Today’s hiring managers are looking for more than finance and accounting skills when filling CFO positions. They prefer candidates with the following general competencies, listed in order of importance:
Leadership/strategic aptitude to develop high-performing teams and strategic goals,
Compliance and regulatory expertise to ensure organizational adherence to laws, regulations, and internal policies,
Technology and analytical proficiency to make data-driven decisions and use cutting-edge tools,
Industry-specific knowledge to understand market conditions and how they influence the organization, and
Communication skills to build effective relationships with internal and external stakeholders to maintain alignment with corporate strategy.
In addition, respondents emphasized the need for CFO candidates to possess “general business acumen” and “emotional intelligence.” However, the survey cautions that most hiring managers assume candidates who apply for executive positions have already mastered these general skills.
What’s the right fit for your executive team?
Finding the right person to head up your company’s finance and accounting department can be challenging in today’s tight labor market. The CFO’s main responsibility is to provide timely, relevant financial data to other departments — including information technology, operations, sales, and supply chain logistics — to help improve the business’s operations. He or she also must be able to drum up cross-departmental support for major initiatives. So, it’s important that you choose a candidate who’s a team player. You might even want to outsource the position to a skilled professional. Contact us for help evaluating CFO candidates to find the right mix of skills and experience for your company’s finance and accounting department.
The average cost of a data breach has reached $4.88 million, up 10% from last year, according to a recent report. As businesses increasingly rely on technology, cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and aggressive, and risks are increasing. What can your organization do to protect its profits and assets from cyberthreats?
Recent report
In August 2024, IBM published “Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024.” The research, conducted independently by Ponemon Institute, covers 604 organizations that experienced data breaches between March 2023 and February 2024. It found that, of the 16 countries studied, the United States had the highest average data breach cost ($9.36 million).
The report breaks down the global average cost per breach ($4.88 million) into the following four components:
$1.47 million for lost business (for example, revenue loss due to system downtime and costs related to lost customers, reputation damage and diminished goodwill),
$1.63 million for detection and escalation (such as forensic and investigative activities, assessment and audit services, crisis management, and communications to executives and boards),
$1.35 million for post-breach response (including product discounts, regulatory fines, legal fees, and costs related to setting up call centers and credit monitoring / identity protection services for breach victims), and
$430,000 for notifying regulators, as well as individuals and organizations affected by the breach.
A silver lining from the report is that the average time to identify and contain a breach has fallen to 258 days from 277 days in the 2023 report, reaching a seven-year low. One key reason for faster detection and recovery is that organizations are giving more attention to cybersecurity measures.
Implementing cybersecurity protocols
Cybersecurity is a process where internal controls are designed and implemented to:
Identify potential threats,
Protect systems and information from security events, and
Detect and respond to potential breaches.
The increasing number of employees working from home exposes their employers to greater cybersecurity risk. Many companies now have sensitive data stored in more places than ever before — including laptops, firm networks, cloud-based storage, email, portals, mobile devices and flash drives — providing many potential areas for unauthorized access.
Targeted data
When establishing new cybersecurity protocols and reviewing existing ones, it’s important to identify potential vulnerabilities. This starts by inventorying the types of employee and customer data that hackers might want to steal. This sensitive material may include:
Personally identifiable information, such as phone numbers, physical and email addresses, and Social Security numbers,
Protected health information, such as test results and medical histories, and
Payment card data.
Companies need to have effective controls over this data to comply with their obligations under federal and state laws and industry standards.
Hackers may also try to access a company’s network to steal valuable intellectual property, such as customer lists, proprietary software, formulas, strategic business plans, and financial data. These intangible assets may be sold or used by competitors to gain market share or competitive advantage.
Auditing cyber risks
No organization, large or small, is immune to cyberattacks. As the frequency and severity of data breaches continue to increase, cybersecurity has become a critical part of the audit risk assessment.
Audit firms provide varying levels of guidance, both when assessing risk at the start of the engagement and when uncovering a breach that happened during the period under audit or during audit fieldwork.
We can help
Contact us to discuss your organization’s vulnerabilities and the effectiveness of its existing controls over sensitive data. Additionally, if your company’s data is hacked, we can help you understand what happened, estimate and disclose the costs, and fortify your defenses going forward.
Having a high income may mean you owe two extra taxes: the 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT) and a 0.9% additional Medicare tax on wage and self-employment income. Let’s take a look at these additional taxes and what they could mean for you.
1. The NIIT
In addition to income tax, this tax applies on your net investment income. The NIIT only affects taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes (AGIs) exceeding $250,000 for joint filers, $200,000 for single taxpayers and heads of household, and $125,000 for married individuals filing separately.
If your AGI is above the threshold that applies ($250,000, $200,000, or $125,000), the NIIT applies to the lesser of 1) your net investment income for the tax year or 2) the excess of your AGI for the tax year over your threshold amount.
The “net investment income” that’s subject to the NIIT consists of interest, dividends, annuities, royalties, rents, and net gains from property sales. Wage income and income from an active trade or business aren’t included. However, passive business income is subject to the NIIT.
Income that’s exempt from income tax, such as tax-exempt bond interest, is likewise exempt from the NIIT. Thus, switching some taxable investments to tax-exempt bonds can reduce your exposure. Of course, this should be done after taking your income needs and investment considerations into account.
Does the NIIT apply to home sales? Yes, if the gain is high enough. Here’s how the rules work: If you sell your principal residence, you may be able to exclude up to $250,000 of gain ($500,000 for joint filers) when figuring your income tax. This excluded gain isn’t subject to the NIIT.
However, gain that exceeds the exclusion limit is subject to the tax. Gain from the sale of a vacation home or other second residence, which doesn’t qualify for the exclusion, is also subject to the NIIT.
Distributions from qualified retirement plans, such as pension plans and IRAs, aren’t subject to the NIIT. However, those distributions may push your AGI over the threshold, which would cause other types of income to be subject to the tax.
2. The additional Medicare tax
In addition to the 1.45% Medicare tax that all wage earners pay, some high-wage earners pay an extra 0.9% Medicare tax on part of their wage income. The 0.9% tax applies to wages in excess of $250,000 for joint filers, $125,000 for married individuals filing separately, and $200,000 for all others. It applies only to employees, not to employers.
Once an employee’s wages reach $200,000 for the year, the employer must begin withholding the additional 0.9% tax. However, this withholding may prove insufficient if the employee has additional wage income from another job or if the employee’s spouse also has wage income. To avoid that result, an employee may request extra income tax withholding by filing a new Form W-4 with the employer.
An extra 0.9% Medicare tax also applies to self-employment income for the tax year in excess of the same amounts for high-wage earners. This is in addition to the regular 2.9% Medicare tax on all self-employment income. The $250,000, $125,000, and $200,000 thresholds are reduced by the taxpayer’s wage income.
Mitigate the effect
As you can see, these two additional taxes may have a substantial effect on your tax bill. Contact us to discuss how the impact could be reduced.
It usually takes between two and six weeks for management to prepare financial statements that comply with the accounting rules. The process takes longer if an outside accountant reviews or audits your reports. Timely information is critical to making informed business decisions and pivoting as needed if results fall short of expectations. That’s why proactive managers often turn to flash reports for more timely insights.
The benefits
Flash reports typically provide a snapshot of key financial figures, such as cash balances, receivables aging, collections, and payroll. Some metrics might be tracked daily, such as sales, shipments and deposits. This is especially critical during seasonal peaks, when undergoing major changes, or when your business is struggling to make ends meet.
Effective flash reports are simple and comparative. Those that take longer than an hour to prepare or use more than one sheet of paper are too complex to maintain. Comparative flash reports may help identify patterns from week to week — or deviations from the budget that may need corrective action.
The limitations
Flash reports also can identify problems and weaknesses. But they have limitations that management should recognize to avoid misuse.
Most importantly, flash reports provide a rough measure of performance and are seldom 100% accurate. It’s also common for items such as cash balances and collections to ebb and flow throughout the month, depending on billing cycles.
Companies generally only use flash reports internally. They’re rarely shared with creditors and franchisors, unless required in bankruptcy or by a franchise agreement. A lender also may ask for flash reports if a business fails to meet liquidity, profitability and leverage covenants.
If shared flash reports deviate from what’s subsequently reported on financial statements that comply with U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), it may raise a red flag with stakeholders. For instance, they may wonder if you exaggerated results on flash reports or your accounting team is simply untrained in financial reporting matters. If you need to share flash reports, consider adding a disclaimer that the results are preliminary, may contain errors or omissions, and haven’t been prepared in accordance with GAAP.
What’s right for your organization?
There’s no one-size-fits-all format for flash reports. For example, billable hours are more relevant to law firms, and machine utilization rates are more relevant to manufacturers. Contact us for help customizing your flash reports to incorporate the key metrics that are most relevant for your industry. We can also answer questions about any reporting concerns you may be facing today.