Whalen CPAs: Blog

Discover Our Thoughts on Important Accounting Topics.

We understand that constantly changing tax laws can get confusing. That is why we keep our blog updated on tax policies that could affect the life and business of our clients. If you have any questions regarding an article featured on our blog, please contact the experts at Whalen CPAs for more information.
When you sell your principal residence, you can exclude up to $250,000 ($500,000 for joint filers) of gain if you
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Whalen & Company’s partners and staff are continuously striving to provide five-star service to our clients. That’s why we were
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Respondents to The Whalen Poll on Ohio’s municipal income tax structure overwhelmingly favor a proposal to provide more uniformity and
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Scordia Restaurant Group employees faced off against a team from the firm in the third annual Scordia-Whalen basketball tournament on May
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Paul Bordner, president of Laser Reproductions, received the Distinguished Innovator Operator (DINO) Award at the recent 2013 Additive Manufacturing Users
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If you’re considering expanding your staff, hiring from certain disadvantaged groups before the end of 2013 can save you tax.
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  Over the past several months, I have been working with small business owners who have been victimized by their
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Partner Lisa Shuneson is one of six business leaders who are featured on the City of Worthington’s new economic development
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With commencement ceremonies for high school seniors coming up, many parents and grandparents are contemplating making cash gifts the student
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Most IRA owners invest their funds in traditional assets, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds. But some intrepid investors
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Most restaurant groups have excellent programs for transitioning restaurants to the next generation of owner/operators. While the company provides guidance,
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Selling a restaurant is a serious undertaking. As a hardworking owner/operator, the decision to sell your business is your opportunity
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To learn more, Contact Whalen CPAs today.